Sunday, December 29, 2013

Healthy Focus - Forget Yourself Now Darlin' It'll Be OK

Didn't mention, but am going to UA/DA. Slowly  checking out meetings. Saw this article,, about money/art, and decided to write some.

Also, researched shame/fear about sharing creative work and found this


Great quote from the second article regarding doing your art, and I'm thinking of acting because I've been making myself submit for productions " Your not shaking because you're nervous, you're shaking because you are alive -- art makes us alive."

I don't want to concentrate, and it's hard to. Even with earplugs in (which I finally submitted to wearing), I can hear all this noise, like the kid outside my window who was burp/talking earlier, like woman yelling at her husband for hours at 4 in the morning: " You USED me. GO BACK TO YO BABY MAMMA".
Also -- last week, I asked a kid who was hanging out in the hallway on the floor above me to keep his voice down, and he kicked down a hair ball that had orange Cheetos powder in it)

It's not all bad - it's just a tug of war between what I want to focus on. Bullshit, or the fact that I have a nice new roommate. The beast who yells in the hallway for his dog to come down, or the fact that I have 2 closets and 2 rooms. When I finally  (why so hard?) focus on the good, it's there: I've been nesting, have money and time off from work, and feel like the hibernating I am doing will produce good results by the time the season changes.

Maybe this struggle with the contradictions in me is necessary - things like -- I say I want to be famous, but I shudder with the thought of being known. I'll be big, I'll fall, I'll do something stupid, I don't want anyone to know me at all.

Maybe it's not a coincidence that I am thinking of how I can do things just to be seen a certain way, and that later, I was thinking that the best thing to do is to forget yourself and serve. To not be self-conscious, insecure and hiding. But to not be afraid to be seen and not caring how you look.

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