Friday, December 27, 2013

Puppy Love

I have off from school for the next 2.5 weeks, and have been caring for a dog at my apartment for the past 3 days.

This dog is just lovely. Whenever I want a nap or a hug, he's right there. I like to think this is a change from the typical crumbs I get from my cat, and I think this is the start of my changes with others as well. It's pouring love from this dog - and I need it. There's nothing measly about it.

I went for a walk after talking with M on the phone, because I wanted to get my shoes fixed, and found a new pair of shoes on the walk - black booties that are LEATHER, because I won't stoop to pleather, (never); this too, feels fortuitous.

Last night on the train, I was sitting with the dog carrier on my lap and this young guy said to me "Pet sitting?"
and we started talking because he pet sits too, and I wondered how he had guessed. "Because" he said, "if you can afford a dog, you can afford to have someone take care of it over the holidays." This, I thought was true. But how did I wind up the pet sitter?

I was reading this article online about how we are all catering to the wealthy in NY, and everyone is leaving (not true), and I was talking to M but did not ask about how to raise and make things happen with your creative work, and I think a plan, SOME plan, is a good way to go, and there can be change from there.

I sent in my head shot and resume for a film that has several Middle Eastern characters...we'll see.

Am in a weird head space. Have done a lot all day, and still nothing feels quite done. I think the things that I AM getting done are happening because I'm not around both emotionally AND physically. I thought today that I needed a new calendar, and that if my mom could put one out with a toxic thought for every day of the year.

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