Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Heal My Inner Mother

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  And I'm overwhelmed by all the different things I have to do: pay bills, get a job, do more research on teacher's certification. Even though I don't feel like it, I'm writing, and this makes tasks feel more doable.

I keep listening to Madonna's song - Celebration. Its reminding me to step into the flow of life that is present in front of me: joy, creativity, sex, dancing. To be present and follow my instincts. Instead of wallowing, grief stricken, in old, old pain. I was taught to be depressed. Sometimes I feel like I'm in therapy to heal my inner mother, because she never did, and although I exited her body, my brain is still tied to her.  I'm much more of a positive, trustful person than she is. I feel like she was always telling me to shut down and reject life until I believed it.

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