Saturday, June 25, 2011

Normal - Finally

Here's the good stuff I did today, among other things: Got a new roommate. She was the first one I saw and it fit, fine. It is a practical decision. I'm still looking a bit - reasonably - her check might not clear. Sewed clothes that have been sitting in a pile for months on end. Got rid of stuff, (Roommate food, ) cleaned stuff.

Got in touch with Dr. Dot, a writer I followed for years in the New York Press,  to ask about linking to her work. She let me know it was O.K and sent me her info. I mentioned I'd get in touch with them because I like her and she's not published there anymore. Those guys feel like they are going down the drain, every issue is slimmer, it comes out late. Tred of it.

Got in touch with this guy I just met, to make voice over tape - I have to follow through on that. Not perfectly. Just follow through.

I'm going to get in touch with other writers I admire (mostly women come to mind) to ask about connecting with them. Pretty sure you don't even have to ask. I am new at this, everyone does it, but its hard for me.

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